Climate Crisis

My heart is heavy.

This year has not been bad for forest fires where I live, thankfully. Last year was the worst fire season on record for British Columbia, with well over 1,000,000 hectares burned. By comparison, this year has recorded just over 21,000 hectares, which still isn’t great, because most of them were human caused, but it is still WAY better than last year.

The outlook is not so great for other parts of the world. Siberia is having what is most likely it’s worst year for wildfires. Fires have been set in the Amazon Rainforest, the lungs of the planet. So much of the Amazon is burning that we will not be able to recover from this.

For a planet that is made primarily of water, there sure is a lot of fires burning.

The scariest part is that the Amazon fires were set. Deliberately. And that has me terrified.

Years of environmental protection have literally gone up in smoke. As if climate change weren’t scary enough on its own, let’s just burn the whole thing down. It reminds me of a high school boyfriend, who’s motto was, “Pave It, Don’t Save It.” I wasn’t a fan of the concept then, either.

Part of me wants to throw up my hands and wonder why we even bother. And at the same time we can’t just roll over and give up. This is our HOME! We have to fight for it, don’t we?

Let’s get this straight, though. Foregoing the plastic straws, and bringing your own bag to the grocery store, and using containers or bee wrap instead of plastic wrap is a drop in the bucket. Big businesses and governments are the ones who can really make a difference.

We all need to stand up and shout at the top of our lungs that this matters. Climate change is real. And that we are not just going to stand by quietly while the Earth is burned and pillaged in the name of greed. Be like the Whos in Horton Hears a Who. Be like Crysta the Fairy in FernGully. Just because we are small doesn’t mean we can’t make a difference.

Here is a ritual you can do as well (Credit to Anne Marie Greymoon on Facebook):

1- Find a map of Brazil (you can print, take it from a book, or draw). If you can’t draw or print, you can draw a big circle and write Brazil inside, and then you draw another circle on the upper left side of the first one and write Amazon Forest.
2- Draw the sigil (in the image here) over the Amazon Forrest area, it will work as a magnifier to your intentions
3- A glass, bowl or chalice with water (you can also use blessed water, full moon water, or any charged water that you have)
4- Call on the Gods, Goddesses, spirits of Nature, call upon the ancient spirits from the Amazon Forest, or whatever forces you work with and ask them to protect the Forest, to bring rain to the areas where the fire is taking place, protect the people who live there, the animals;
5- Then you you will dip your fingers in the water and pour it over the sigil, saying this incantation : “May all the waters of the world run pure and clean towards the Amazon Forest, putting out the fire and nurturing the earth”
6- Place your water container on top of the sigil
7- Repeat it as often as you want. You can also draw the sigil and place it somewhere in your house so every time someone looks at it it will gain more power
8- Give thanks to the spirits or Gods you called to help you, and leave the sigil and the water for as long as you want. If it rains, you can also bring it outside for the rain to fall right on top of it.
9- You can also use your own methods to empower the sigil, this is just one of the options that are being used.


2 thoughts on “Climate Crisis”

  1. My name is Mary Malinski.. I received a call this week from a marketing agent looking for you. They had your website but thought I was you.. I looked up your (my) website to see who you were. I am interested in reading what you have written. My background is nursing(retired), active massage therapist, some reiki training and Therapeutic Touch. I have many healing stories.
    Perhaps we can visit some day. Do you know Frank Coppetiers? He is a long standing Reiki Master in Beaverton, Oregon. Where do you live? Perhaps there is a reason I received your call in error?? We’ll see…….Mary Malonski

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