A Walk with Sekhmet Guided Meditation

Sekhmet is the Egyptian Goddess of war, illness, and healing. Her name means “She Who is Powerful”, and she was one of the deities known as the Eye of Ra. She was most often depicted with the body of a woman, the head of a lion, and a sun disk crown.

Legend says that the people were not following the laws (Ma’at) set out by Ra, so he created Sekhmet (some versions say he transformed Hathor into Sekhmet) and sent her to punish the mortals. Sekhmet did her job a little too well – once she got started, none of the gods could stop her killing spree.

Ra then took pity on the humans, and had 7000 vats of pomegranate juice mixed with beer, which made the beer look like blood. The mixture was poured out before Sekhmet, and she gorged herself, becoming so drunk she slept for three days. When she woke up, her bloodlust was gone, and she was calm once more – returned to the form of Hathor in some versions.

Anger is not a bad emotion, as our society might have us think. It is how we channel and use that energy that can either be beneficial or harmful.

Take a Walk with Sekhmet to harness your anger and rage.

A Walk with Sekhmet Guided Meditation
A Walk with Sekhmet Guided Meditation

A Walk with Sekhmet Guided Meditation
Price: $9.97

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