Sacred Selfishness

While I was taking a break from blogging, I had several opportunities present themselves to me. For example, I got to spend time with two of my spiritual mentors. That was definitely a positive!

choices and prioritiesThen there were the future opportunities. Like being part of the Human Library project at the PuSh Festival in Vancouver, or auditioning for the local production of The Vagina Monologues. Or studying more, and teaching, at Wiccan Seminary. Or being more involved with the Spring Mysteries Festival.

And once upon a time, I would have said yes to all of them. Then, in the middle of it all, I would have been falling apart and wondering why I took it all on in the first place.

One of the things I learned while I was away was that this might be a consequence of working with Inanna. She wasn’t satisfied with being the Queen of Heaven and Earth. No, she wanted to do and have ALL THE THINGS. I can totally relate. There are so many things that I would like to do or experience. Being a mortal has its limitations, though.

So I’m working on reassessing my boundaries, and taking my limitations into consideration. There are certain things that still need to happen – like going to work, and serving my coaching clients and students and my Circle. And advocating for my son to get the help he needs in school.Then I can decide on the other things I would like to do.

Part of that process involved determining what my priorities are. What do I really want to do? What would I be upset about if I didn’t get to do it? I realized that I really wanted to learn more through the Seminary, and I want to be involved in the festival. Those were my top priorities after my family, my Circle and work.

I love being able to contribute to my community. And it is not always easy for me to say no. I am starting to embrace the idea of “sacred selfishness”. That sometimes I need to do what is right for me, even if that may be at the expense of someone else. By serving my needs, and making them sacred, I am serving my community. Because I cannot contribute to my community if my cup is empty.

When was the last time you examined your priorities and your commitments? Post your comments below!

