A Change is as Good as a Rest

That’s what they say, anyway. I’m pretty exhausted after my week of change! Contentedly so, though.

Hello DollyLast summer, I was asked to stage manage the local production of Hello, Dolly! I was hesitant, because stage managing is a big commitment. I was told I wouldn’t need to attend all of the rehearsals, so I agreed to take it on.

As this past week approached, I was wondering about my sanity. The whole week, from Sunday morning to late Saturday night, would be consumed by the show. What was I doing adding to my already busy life??? I had to cancel all of my regular evening activities.

And then my gall bladder gave me problems on Monday. I called in sick to work, but dragged myself into rehearsal. I honor my commitments, and I’d given my word, so I had to keep it. (Unfortunately, my employer didn’t see it that way…)

I was home only to sleep for most of the week. My husband thought I was insane. I think my younger children thought I had abandoned them. My oldest was working on the show with me.

It was so much fun! I got to work with amazing performers, and a fantastic crew, some of whom I knew, and others I just met. The music was great, catchy without being annoying. The challenges along the way were minor bumps in the road, and everyone overcame them like professionals.

I miss working on shows. I love stage managing. It was a week of long days and little sleep, and I’m glad I did it. This is why I love theatre!

And now, to sleep!

