Will the Real Mary Malinski Please Stand Up?

Before anything else, I want to wish my amazing husband Happy Anniversary! We’ve been married 19 years today, and I am so grateful for our continued partnership. Thank you for all the many ways you support me, David.

Spiritual FamilyWow. It’s been a whirlwind couple of months! This past weekend was the first I have had to myself in about two months. And in the past month particularly, I’ve had the opportunity to dive deeply into different aspects of my life.

It seems like more than a month ago, and at the same time nowhere near a month ago, that Spring Mysteries happened. That weekend I dove deeply into the priestess aspect of my life. I was involved in a powerful ritual drama, and had the opportunity to minister to many people. I also was immersed in the love and energy of my spiritual family. And it was wonderful!

Pacific ContactThe next weekend I went to a conference for work. I dove deeply into the theater and arts aspect of my life. I had the opportunity to connect with others in my field of work, and experience once again why I chose a career in the arts oh-so-long-ago. I was immersed in the energy of others who are also passionate about the arts and the difference music, theater and dance can make in our communities. And it was wonderful!

Peaks TrainingLast weekend I went to a personal development conference with Peak Potentials. Several years ago, my husband and I went to a lot of seminars with Peak Potentials as well as other organizations. This was my first time back at one in about 6 years. I had the opportunity to dive deeply into my life’s purpose, and mastermind with other change agents from around the world. I was immersed in the extremely high energy that only one of these seminars can create. AND I got to spend time with my best friend! And it was wonderful!

Me and DavidThis weekend I stayed home. I caught up on laundry, and watched videos with my family. I called my sister and my parents, and caught up with a good friend here at home that I have missed while I was traveling about. I was immersed in the energy of home and the love of my family. I celebrated 19 fantastic years with the love of my life. And it was wonderful!

Throughout all of these weeks, I experienced things I love. They are all quite different, and yet I would not be complete without any one of them. They all come together to help make me who I am.

I could look at each of these aspects – spirituality, arts, personal growth and family- and feel I had to make a choice between them. I could let it pull me in different directions, and eventually pull me apart.

However, I have been taught that when the question is either-or, the answer is BOTH. I don’t have to choose between the different aspects of my life, I can work to incorporate them all.

People sometimes ask me how I do all the things I do. The answer is I do them because I can’t NOT do them.

How about you? Do you know what you love? Do you experience the things you love? If you’d like to experience more of what you love each day, consider signing up for a free coaching session.



PS. Walks Within is streamlining – if you’d like to receive all 3 fundamental guided meditations for free, this is your last chance to sign up for the email list this week to access Creating Sacred Space, Spiritual Grounding, and Protection Shield. After this week, only Creating Sacred Space will be available to email subscribers, so download all three now!