Under the Influence

I’m a goody two-shoes, a prude even. I’ve never smoked a cigarette, and I have never been full out drunk. On the very rare occasion that I do drink alcohol, I rarely get past “tipsy”. Pot smoke gives me a headache. The one substance addiction I do allow myself is sugar, and sometimes caffeine. I know. Pretty hardcore stuff, right?

The influence I am talking about here is the influence of the Gods. In my case, it is Goddesses. They act on my psyche in sometimes subtle, sometimes very obvious ways.

For example, when I was working with Hecate, I started feeling like maybe it was time to get another dog. It has been several years since we had a dog, and I kind of miss cuddling and playing with one. I grew up having a dog in the house. And then I remind myself that I really don’t have time to take care of a dog. My children already complain that I don’t spend enough time with them. Not to mention the extra costs for feeding and keeping a dog healthy. But one day I went as far as looking on the local SPCA website to see what kind of dogs were available for adoption. Hecate is very strongly associated with dogs. Dots connected.

Athena, Goddess of WisdomRight now I am working with Athena. And the more I work with Her, the more I see Her influence in my life. I’m taking online courses, and doing a lot of reading on mythology and Greek architecture and sculpture. My book choices are all non-fiction, even the audio books. I’m feeling a desire to champion a cause (because I have SO much spare time to do that). I spent most of the day yesterday picking the fringe off a piece of fabric strand by strand because I want to use it for a sewing project (Athena invented weaving).

And if I really think about it, the Goddess of Wisdom has been an influence in my life for many, many years. I was always a good student – learning comes easily for me and I enjoy learning new things. I also love sewing – I haven’t learned weaving, yet, but the idea intrigues me. There was a point where I wanted my own spinning wheel and loom (and then I had three boys). She’s the patron goddess of cities, and while the idea of self-sufficiency is wonderful, I am definitely no farm girl!

Sure, some of these could be pretty obscure references, and could be applied to a lot of different Goddesses. And still, somehow, working with Athena feels like coming home. (Does that make me a hero? She also helped most of the heroes of Greek mythology.)

What Gods or Goddesses do you find yourself coming under the influence of?



3 thoughts on “Under the Influence”

  1. Pretty much. I start by reading their mythology, usually. I read what other people have written about them and see what resonates for me. Then I start listening for their “voice”. Quite often I will reach out to them in my morning meditation, asking what they have to share with me. Sometimes it will be urges that are not normal for me, like suddenly wanting to get a dog. 🙂 A lot of it is sorting through their myths and seeing what lessons I can find in them and how they relate to my life. Panning for gold and finding nuggets of inspiration. Right now, I’ve been calling on Athena to help me stay strong in my boundaries at work.

    I hope that gives you some ideas!

  2. The Goddess Oshun plays a big roll in my life. She is a River Goddess and I know that I am at my happiest when I am near or in a river. She is my patron Goddess and has brought all kinds of blessings into my life, including my husband.

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