Happy Valentine’s Day to ME!

Ah, Valentine’s Day.  Festival of LOVE. Favorite holiday of florists, jewelers and candy shop owners.  A day that reminds of of whether we have a wonderful relationship, a not-so-hot relationship, or just a cat.

Valentine’s Day seems to either be very romantic, or very depressing for most people I know.  My husband generally refuses to celebrate because it is a “Hallmark Holiday,” an excuse for retailers to guilt people into spending. When we first got married, I was upset by this.  Now, I’ve decided to take a different view of this day.

This Valentine’s Day, I am going to honor the most important person in my life, the one I love and admire the most: ME!I Love ME!

It’s not about the flowers and the chocolates.  It’s about honoring myself. I’m taking time to fill up my cup, to be open about where I am at and what I am feeling.  To pamper myself in small, but significant ways.  The best part is, I don’t need to spend a dime to make myself feel important and loved.

So, I had a nice long soak in the bath, and did every beauty treatment on myself that I could.  I painted my toenails, and treated my hair.  I masqued my face and shaved my legs.  I even used an aromatherapy sea salt scrub.  I took my time reading a book, and cut out a pattern for a dress I plan to make.  I took a long walk in the woods with my boys, and made chocolate chip cookies.  There was no rush at all to the day.

I feel wonderful! I feel pampered and appreciated, and most of all, I feel loved.  I’m not dependent on others to feel this way.  But when I truly love myself, others reflect it back to me.  And that is a truly precious gift to give myself!

Just doing some searching online, it turns out that February 13th is “Madly in Love with ME Day!” Without knowing about it, I totally embraced that holiday!

How will you love yourself today?



1 thought on “Happy Valentine’s Day to ME!”

  1. Great Valentine’s Day Post Mary. Happy Valentine’s Day to you too!
    Happy Valentine’s Day to me, myself and I, and to all fellow living beings on Planet Earth.
    Today I am also giving myself all the love & joy that I can give, I am taking myself out to my Favorite lunch. Doing all the things that I love to do, that nurture my spirit and soul, such as getting a massage and being out in nature, talking to my best friend on the phone, listening to my fav spiritual audios, & Angelic music, receiving the love & joy from the Angels & Spirit. 🙂

    Love, Light, Laughter, Fun & Peace to you,

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